Sunday, September 1, 2002

Diary of a Drunk

What do you do when you are so in love with someone that you'll do anything to just forget about them and after all your trying you'll end up helpless in a pile of crap? Love is a funny thing, it makes you do things that normally you would not do. The funniest thing to it is that it becomes an excuse for everything we do. Even if it's true love it becomes an excuse for just plainly breathing air. When you think about it truly and you can feel that it actually means something it will come up at the oddest time and some people can adapt and some can find another person and jump in apathy to all who aren't in love with them. Isn't it funny though that it is the writers who always end up in love bouts' that go on forever and last like a burning pain at the times when they really don't matter at all? I believe sometimes it's a cry for help and at others it may actually be true passion but damned is it if it's not the writers of novels and poetry and history who have to complain about it the most.
The common man falls in love. The common woman hardly ever falls in love and perhaps... no it is, the age. When you're 15 everything seems like a big deal, especially to the 15-year-old male. Some of us hide in the corner and others say it out loud but the bottom line is innocence is achieved for few during the duration of our high school lives. I don't believe every writer thinks as I do and for that matter what makes me unique is that I have a radical sense of thinking and sometimes it has to do with big problems but I guess most would say I stick to my guns. I find this saying ironic and somewhat annoying because I would like to own a gun and to shoot it every day at a range. It is the wish of many people especially boys at my age to shoot a gun but I also get me on sense of fulfilment and excitement and most of all power when holding a tool that can kill someone. Not enough that I'd go crazy but actually enough that I wouldn't go crazy.
It's funny I started talking out about love and found myself on the subject of guns and power. I think the reason why I in particular love is because it is powerful and the thing about most boys but especially me is that I crave power. I see people with love in their eyes and a girlfriend that they can hold and stroke and the opposite sex are just supposed to "coo." Power is a thing that no human can deny it from his or her selves. Even someone humble in his or her own little sick way has a love of power. That's a funny gathering of words "love of power." Don't these two go hand in hand?

People have such a heightened sense of what's important that they miss what's really important and that's their relationship with their fellow man but if a blind man for 50 years holds the liquid to drop in his eyes to cure his blindness, will he remember where his eyes are or were if he gouged them out himself? If you ask me which you are if you're reading this Oedipus got of easy by gouging out his eyes but what he forgot to do was to kill himself.

Many in fact all who are alive say if you do it it's the easy way out but is it? Just dying isn't so easy, especially if you've thought about what it would be like. As an actor I have often thought about how it would be. If you're a Christian you'll have angels singing hallelujah all day and night but if you're an atheist or maybe if the atheists are right and there is no god, then it's a whole different ball game. A world with out happiness, a world with out anything in fact. It's apathy to the fullest extent of the situation. It would be blackness, no thoughts, no dreams (good or bad) just blackness and not even the forgotten pleasure of just breathing in and out. No nightmares, which if you think about would be kind of comforting to the forgotten mind. Life is about people although and this is our place on earth.

If a monkey says something, will you listen? How about if he's a smart monkey who can predict the future or so he says. Personally I'd listen to anything a monkey could say because if it's a talking monkey that's pretty damn special right there. Heck I could get thousands of dollars for him on the black market but then you got the problem of him talking, shouting out "I've been kidnapped call the police!" That's the good thing about monkeys, they can't talk. You can, not saying that you would but you could, beat a monkey till it was dead but you can't say the same for its closest relative, my sister. Back to being serious, a monkey has the lack of intelligence so it doesn't understand its surroundings but even a human moron knows where he is.

Today my friend Han said that we are 2% chimpanzee and 98% human but in all fairness to chimpanzee's that's where we get our animalistic instincts. Women gather towards the strong guys because they're strong and they gather to these types of males because they're strong and good-looking. I've never been a grown up so I can't say much for them and I've certainly never been a woman before but I can say from what I have heard they do get smarter and go for men who can take care of them when they're older and now in getting the subject onto woman I've confused myself beyond belief, I guess as a teen I'm a dumb male walking around in apathy and stupidity in all my strength. All good things come to an end and though these are just thoughts, bad ones at that they end here I'm loosing time and energy but that's the good thing about this world it just keeps on going. As long as the world turns I'll have thoughts and I'll be back to write them down. As any military unit will tell you and also my great prestigious grandfather would say, "over and out."

Saturday, February 16, 2002


Tonight I believe I have achieved nirvana and I owe this to staying up late and being in a total relaxation of my mind.

I find when you have reached such a level as this you begin to know how it all really works. I believe I have found out to live is to love and to love is to live.

I know this because the knowledge of being in this sort of relaxed hypnotic state; where the cars pass me by and seem like ants from a high; I think of the things which really mean the most to me, things which in some cases are meaningless to others but my mind is different from other peoples, on a sub-conscious level. I was reviewing this clearly as I saw all the really important things in my subconscious but when I thought of things which were important to me, my mind, like a computer, pulled up one file and poetry streamed out like a powerful visible gas and I heard my self speak aloud:

"her hair black like a werewolf night
and her aura as pure as the glowing moon,
her eyes as brown as nature itself
and my wanting desire making me, like a loon.

Her hair running down across her face
and combining its self with the sparkling trace
of light in her eyes and a good soul foreboding,"

As I walked on I saw my old self walking further and further towards his house and home but as for me I was alone and as have I always been I walked on and got back to the road which had carried me on.

As I reached the circle I saw a black shadow and knew that another person who was me once questioned this and had questions in abundance and as I walked the road I questioned my shadow no longer for I knew who he was, who I was, what I want, and what I need and as I walked on and I changed again I stopped to think and stayed again and I knew this couldn't last. I knew it because I'd soon be me in the morning.

I typed and typed and here I am scorning those who know nothing and criticize strongly the worst things in life when this is their bonding. Unhappy people find their own and this is why I am so alone but I will stay happy and cut the world a break for I am a philosopher and some day I will take the knowledge that every man and woman hopes to create.