Monday, February 8, 2010

Dave and Jay

So I'm reading this article on how Jay Leno and David Letterman have some kind of feud with each other but do you really think a feud is well-worth the time it takes to power-houses Letterman and Leno? These are two extremely well known comedians and to actually have a feud is childly and costly. I'll bet the two are great friends in reality and any "Feud" that was concocted is, in reality, just to make more money. To the rich, it's all about money. Don't be a stooge, don't get involved in their game because then you lose. Enjoy your favorite late night host and enjoy him/her for what they are. Chelsea Lately also comes on at night and she's got a fantastic body. If I were you, guys, I'd forget about the whole thing and watch her, unless you have an alternate agenda? ...

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