Wednesday, April 27, 2016


In a forum last night, I found a person making the argument that masochists would make the best spies because they like pain so they could stand up to any kind of torture. Clearly, this person must not have understood the nature of torture. A torturer, does not simply try to inflict pain. It's not about inflicting fear either. It's about power. For one who is completely in tune with their senses and loves pain like a masochist, sensory input invigorates them. For this, I would use a paralytic to inhibit movement and a sensory deprivation tank to take away all sensory input. As they lay in the tank with all senses deprived, the lack of sensory input would create boredom in the subject and cause them to start to experience the world that they sought to escape from through pain. All masochists do not necessarily need pain to survive but if they've endured so much they have begun to enjoy it, then sensory deprivation would be torturous for them and they may even go through withdrawal from not having the input they'd become accustomed to. Flashes of light could be added within the tank as well to give them the hope that there might be a reintroduction to the world but enough time in the tank and I'm sure I could get them to give up any information I wanted.

The mind is such a fragile thing. People can be indoctrinated to do pretty much anything. Even the psychopath has a sense of self preservation, but the goal of a torturer, is knowing how far to take it and finding the weakness in a man. I say man because the golden rule is and has always been that no matter what war you're fighting, "no women, no children." This rule separates us from the dogs in the middle East who'd chew off their own foot if it would suit their cause. They're not artists and they're not people when they do what they do. A man who kills women and children by cutting their heads off, is the reason that a torturer would be completely vindicated in his craft. God will judge them but it is up to man to stop them, by any means necessary.

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