I recently read a post that said, what is the biggest problem on earth today?
A top answer was human beings. I thought on it and wrote this in response:
I like to take the optomistic approach. Human beings are the most capable species on the planet. We have created marvels of science, technology and even nature that were unmatched in the billions of years the dinosaurs existed.
Ice ages/climate changes have come and gone, however, the inspired and awesome resources that humanity has created have never existed before. That being said, I do wish we had things like the atmospheric condensers as suggested in Star Trek TNG's "the inner light" but that kind of technology may not exist yet. If it doesn't I am sure someone's working on it. In short, I am trying to say that a cosmic catastrophe can happen at any time (errant asteroid from the asteroid belt in the center of our galaxy, a supernova sun, an errant solar flare, extreme climate change, overpopulation causing massive destruction that cannot be fixed); the point is, that if anything in the history of the world has the capability of fixing it or evolving to find a solution no matter what happens, it is the human race. We have the tools and the capability, and while we do have our issues, the best hope for the world is mankind.
Complaining about our shortcomings is a tool of the weak but it is also understandable. When you lack the ability to look at the big picture or even are just simply frustrated and feel that the big picture is hopeless, it is easy to complain. I do not fault you or anyone for complaining because the problems facing our planet and our species are large and frustrating; often times, it seems like there's no end in sight but have faith in a creator or at the very least something larger than yourself and take solace in the fact that we are amazing creatures.
I will end with Shakespeare, "what a piece of work is man; How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals."
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