Monday, July 25, 2011

What is the purpose of life?

For the last five years, I have been painfully searching for an answer to this question and have hopped from relationship to relationship because I sincerely believed I had the answer. Recently, I have even shut down my own life because I am still chasing that solution that I believed so strongly in.

To me, I believed that life's purpose was that no matter what you may chose to do with it, the ultimate purpose of life was that at the end of the day, when all is said and done, you have one person (because it's hard to focus on the myriad of people that come in and out of your life; especially if you have a heart so big, you spread your love out like cancer) who you come home to; who you can talk to about anything; who is always happy to see you and who you can share your life with nonselfeshly as much as they share thier life with you.

I have thought, up until this point of being terribly lost, that this person/staple was the purpose of life becuase life is too large and too vast to view by one's self.

Love, however pure, it seems is not infallible, and although I would wait an eternity to attain this specific purpose of life with the one I have in mind, It seems life continually makes the plan for me these sordid five years that I won't have anyone, even someone who I believe 100% truly loves me, to enjoy that love with, at the end of the day.

Therefore, I don't know what to do, but I have figured out through a good night of sleep and some clarity that I will have to do without that one person theory.

What I want to obtain is perfection and I know where my perfection is. I've felt it. Therefore it's even more painful to see those around me who do not know theirs and I want to nurture them. I have so much love to give it's painful. I need people strong enough to recieve that kind of love in my life.

Right now, I am waiting because my heart tells me to wait. I don't know why but it tells me that life will give me what I desire if I wait. My mind drives in all different directions but my heart still wants one thing...

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