Sunday, December 28, 2014

The State V. Webster

In a stunning turn of events after a recent law suit against dictionary giant Marion-Webster, over terms in their dictionary not being "real-words", we at The Regular Review, have learned that a new hyphenated term will be added to the dictionary.  Spokesperson, Avharadg Jo announced at a press conference that in the 2015 edition of Marion-Webster's dictionary, the word, "Defense-Attorney" will hence forth be defined as, "A glorified and higher paid hooker."

This decision came after a settlement  between Webster's council, Berg, Stein and Mann and the prosecution for the state, of 8 million dollars to the plaintiff.  This just in, the word prosecutor will now be added as a synonym to the word "Ass-hat" which is defined as, "a person whose presence so offends that merely being around them gleans the experience of wearing one's anus atop their head."

All of this will no doubt breed new lawsuits but in this reporter's opinion, these turn of events are possibly the most hilarious moment in U.S. Legal history.

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