Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Child Raping Officer- Rebeka O'Mally

CAMDEN, NJ- There is an event that has come to light is truly horrifying. "I just can't believe this happened!" cried Barbara Smurth, mother of seven children. Smurth was absolutely appalled to find that her three young daughters, known on the streets as "Candy," age 8, "Bianca" and "Sasha," twins age 9, were all arrested 9:00 pm on August 18, 2007 for prostitution and sexual assault on an officer on Promenade boulevard in Camden, New Jersey.

The arresting officer, Wayne Cremmel, states "At first I just thought they were runaways, and thought it was would be a simple drop off with a scolding about the dangers of being on the roads that late at night." Little did Cremmel know, he was about to be sexually propositioned by these three preteens. "I got out the the vehicle to speak with them... before I knew it, there were little hands everywhere. I've never been so horrified." At this point, Cremmel broke into sobs and had difficulty continuing with the interview.

"He has a daughter around their age" his captain explained. According to his wife, Cremmel hasn't been able to go within twenty feet of any preteen girls without having a nervous break-down. It's so extreme that Cremmel has taken a leave of absence and gone to undisclosed location for psychological help. The exact events of that fateful evening are still up for debate, as are the motives of the young girls. This reporter will not rest until the truth is known, and there will be updates to follow.

By Rebeka O'Mally

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