Sunday, August 26, 2007

Remember Andy Dick?

Well, anyone who was at Axis nightclub last night sure does. After a failed comedic performance, Dick proceeded to get f*cked up. Later on into the night, after having a few to many, Andy followed a young clubber into the bathroom and persistently asked if he could piss on him. After about 30 seconds of begging Andy went on to find another victim. Shockingly, not every one rejected Mr. Dick, [[even though Andy's "dick" isn't said to be to impressive.]]. According to witnesses, Andy shared a romantic evening with a young fellow in the men's room, only to move on to other men through out the club. To top his night of partying, he allegedly asked anyone and everyone where he could find cocaine. By the end of the night, Mr. Dick had to be carried out of the club.

Anyone interested in contacting Mr. Andy Dick should go there nearest gay club, with at least 3 grams of cocaine, a barf bag, and a appointment ready with your local clinic.

Oh, and a quick tip in the latest Hollyweird fashion! An Alcohol Monitoring System! The latest celebrity to pick up on this hot new trend, is Eve. She rocked her A.M.S. at the L.A. Convention Center during her performance for Boost Mobile. And have no fear, do you think these A.M.S.'s actually work!? Don't be silly! If you don't recall Ms. Lindsay Lohan was wearing one right before she got pulled over for her D.U.I.. With this new Hollyweird trend, you can make everyone think your really changing your life around, so you can party with out all the bullshit of people trying to get you clean!

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