Sunday, August 26, 2007

Owen Wilson..

On Sunday, Owen Wilson [[Kate Hudson's ex]] was rushed to Los Angeles’ St. John’s Hospital by ambulance, for attempted suicide. Wilson was found [[with both wrists slit, and an empty pill bottle beside him]] by a family member, who obviously, immediately called an ambulance. After Wilson was stabilized, Owen was taken to another Los Angeles' Hospital, with his two brothers Andrew and Luke.

In other not so good news, Nick Hogan got into a serious car accident, also on Sunday. Hogan's car was totally destroyed on impact. He had been driving way over the speed limit, and had crashed into a palm tree. A Clearwater police Sgt. had been doing his routine shift, when he noticed Hogan's yellow SUV, and called for help. Both of the passenger's where okay, Nick Hogan and his other male passenger, luckily.

Doesn't seem like Sunday was a good day for Hollyweird. :[

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