Friday, August 24, 2007

Dear Future Rabbi

Confused in Titusville NJ writes:

Dear Future Rabbi Gupe,

my parents tell me that accepting Christ into my life is the only way to get into heaven. I am heavilly into Jewish values and love to go with my friend to pray in a synagogue but don't really know what it means to be Jewish and don't know what the difference is between christianity and Judaism.

To contact The Future Rabbi, please e-mail

1 comment:

The regular review said...

Dear Confused,
I'd like to start by thanking you for writing to me. Your question is very difficult to answer yet, it is very important, for Jews and non-Jewish people to know the answer.
I'll begin with the differences between our two religions. The most obvious difference is that Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, a.k.a. savior. They also believe he is the son of God. Most branches Judaism do believe in a Messianic figure, but do not believe he has come yet. I believe I am correct in saying that most of us believe that we should not sit around waiting for the Messiah. Another major difference is that Christianity is a religion based of of salvation while Judaism does not focus on an after-life, we believe in living a good life here and now, while Christianity also focuses on getting into a heaven or hell. There are many other differences but I am no expert on Christianity, nor much of one on Judaism, so I would prefer not to say to much and possibly cause insult.
As to your dilemma, I'd say that having Jewish values and even enjoying Jewish prayers does not make you a bad Christian. As a matter of fact, Christianity branched off of Judaism. You can even consider Christianity an optional addition to Judaism. Both our religions preach positive values, such as peace and love. Being that both Christianity and Judaism are monotheistic religions, Jewish prayers are towards the same God, and we have no added religious figures that would go against your religion. So don't feel bad if you enjoy our religion.
An important question is do you believe in Jesus? You don't have to stop believing in him, because you prefer Jewish tradition. There are many groups, known as Messianic Jews, who believe in Jesus yet prefer to express there love for him in a Jewish fashion.
I hope I have answered your question well, and if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.
God Bless,
Future Rabbi Gupe